Introduction of Arnnas Resort

We are Available for your service

Welcome to our resort! Here at Arnnas Resort, we pride ourselves on providing our guests with the ultimate vacation experience. Our resort is located in the heart of nature, surrounded by stunning natural beauty and countless opportunities for adventure and relaxation.

More About us

Room aminities

Room amenities are the various features and items provided in guest rooms by resorts to enhance the comfort and convenience of guests during their stay.


Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi is often available in all rooms, public areas such as lobbies or lounges.



We provide on-site parking facilities where guests can park their vehicles conveniently within the property's premises.

Deluxe Rooms, Arnnas Resort

Swimming Pool

Swimming pool allows guests to enjoy a refreshing swim in an open-air setting.

raigadh resort

Air Conditioned

These allow guests to control the temperature within their room independently, providing personalized comfort.

arnnas resort

Laundry Services

We have outdoor laundry services in near place of resort.

additional aminities

With additional amenities we will do our best to assist you with our best service.

book rooms arnnas resort

Beach Access

Guests can simply step out of their rooms or walk a short distance from the property to enjoy the beach.

kokan travel

Room Service

This can be convenient for guests who want to enjoy a beverage in the comfort of their room without having to go to a restaurant

resort in kokan

Child Friendly

Our Resort area are child-friendly that means room configurations that are suitable for families.